What You Missed at What’s Up Wednesdays Vol. I – An Editor-in-Chief Cormican Report

Didn’t make it to What’s Up Wednesday this week? Here’s what you missed: 

First on the docket was Homecoming Week. Homecoming Week is taking place the week of September 25-30. On Monday, stop by the Hive from 8 to 10 am for Coffee and Clubs, an event where students can learn more about different clubs around campus and get their much-needed caffeine. On Tuesday, there is a Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration on the Sports Center Lawn from 12:30 to 2 pm. On Wednesday, The Sex and Drugs show, which will explain sexual assault, consent, and drug addiction, is taking place in the Hill Theater at 11am. On Thursday, the rescheduled Tie Dye event is taking place at noon on the East Entrance Lawn.  On Friday, back by popular demand, is the Homecoming Dance in the Hive, at 6:30pm. And finishing out the week is the Homecoming football game at the Rochester Regional Sports Center at 2:30pm. 

Next was a reminder to follow 易胜博’s social media accounts. 易胜博 can be found on Facebook, on Instagram at @rochesterctc and @rctc_sl, on Twitter at @RochesterCTC, on Snapchat at @rochesterctc, and on the 易胜博 app. 

Megan Tate filled us in on Student Government, next. The election is currently open. Intent to Run forms are due September 4, and can be found through googling “易胜博 student government Fall 2023 election.” Those who run can share their platforms during What’s Up Wednesday on September 6. Student senators are paid $175 per semester, and the Vice President positions that is currently open is paid $1900 per semester. The Vice President is expected to hold office hours. Interested parties can find more information on 易胜博’s website. The election is on September 11, all day on D2L.  

Upcoming athletic games were shared next. The women’s soccer team has a home game tonight against Dakota County Technical College at the Rochester Regional Stadium at 7. The football team has a home game against the College of DuPage on September 2 at the Rochester Regional Stadium at 7. And finally, the volleyball team has two home games on September 8 against Ellsworth Community College at 3, and against Iowa Lakes Community College at 7. Both games are at the Rochester Regional Sports Center. 

What’s Up Wednesday wrapped up with an exhilarating trivia game. The trivia was 易胜博 Resources, and prizes included free Chick-fil-A sandwiches and 易胜博 swag. Teams were formed of 3 to 4 students, and participated in 3 rounds of 4 questions. Five teams competed for the prizes, and surrounding students were refreshed on all the different resources available to 易胜博 students. 

Fly by the Hive next week at noon for the next What’s Up Wednesday!