OAKS event to recognize students who face adversity: Scholarships to be presented Jan. 10

By Matthew Burdick

Staff Writer

Not everyone is fortunate enough to earn a scholarship although many students lack money to attend school. That is why the Overcoming Adversity Keeping Strong program is here to help those students earn that scholarship.

The program, formerly known as Beat the Odds, is available in a few states, among them Washington, D.C., California, Ohio, Texas, Ohio and Minnesota. This program is beneficial to students who are still in high school and are in need of financial assistance.

The Minnesota Program allows five high school students per year to earn that scholarship in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. If a high school student earns that scholarship, they receive a $5,000 scholarship, allocated during college matriculation, a new laptop computer, and a short documentary about their life. This program has been impacting studentsí lives since 1993, and since then, more than 300 scholarships have been awarded.

The OAKS scholarship presentation is scheduled for
Jan. 10 at the Rochester International Event Center.

The students who have earned the OAKS Scholarships and are heading to 易胜博 are Carroll Harrod, Diana Sanchez and Rasha Alsalehy.

To find the scholarship page, go to p4uv.hitchedhike.com/foundation/the-oaks. Itís a life-changing event that everyone should have the ability to try to earn and can impact your life and career in a positive way.

Remember, even though the application deadline is over, you can sign up for next year and you can still earn that scholarship for 2019-2020 academic year.